Ponencia de Clausura
Saturday, October 21
2:15pm - 3:15pm
Dana Commons
"El tiempo relativo. 50 años de películas de corta duración"
Annette Scholz, PhD
About Annette Scholz
Annette Scholz holds a degree in Hispanic and French Philology, and Media Communication. While completing her BA, she worked for several years organizing the Mannheim-Heidelberg International Film Festival. In 2002 she arrived in Spain to carry out research on contemporary Spanish cinema, the topic of her doctoral dissertation. She is the founder of the Spanish Film Festival in Tübingen-Stuttgart, co-founder of the CineForum association and member of the organization of the first Ibero-American film exhibition in Passau. She has also collaborated with the Spanish and Latin American film festivals in Hamburg and has participated in several international digital distribution projects. Since 2006 she serves as the international coordinator at ALCINE-Alcalá de Henares/Community of Madrid Film Festival, while she continues her research on Spanish cinema.
In 2016 she co-edited the third volume of the series Approaches to Hispanic Cultures (Ibero-American / Vervuert): “The Spanish Short Film (2000-2015). Trends and examples". She has also edited the fourth volume of the same collection “Emerging filmmakers. Women in 21st century cinema”, about the situation of women filmmakers in Spain and Latin America. Dr. Scholz is in charge of the Blog Bitácora de Cine y Actualidad (https://bitacora.uni-regensburg.de/) and in autumn 2021 she published the book “Interviews with creators of contemporary Spanish cinema. Millions of things to do” in co-edition with Elena Oroz, Mar Binimelis and Marta Álvarez. She is the president of the MYC association (Women and Cinema https://mujeresycine.org/). In addition to ALCINE, she is currently coordinating the Alcalá Film Office and working with Ralf Junkerjürgen on the film-tourist guides On_Location_Spain (@On_location_Spain / https://www.schueren-verlag.de/programm/titel/733-andalusien .html).